Thursday, April 14, 2005

i just gave myself a headrush

i went to the library last night
checked out 2 books.
chomsky: "demcracy and miseducation" (im bring that one to lunch just to get dave closer to a HEART ATTACK) and "java script for beginners" or something like that.
i also got the British comedy series THE OFFICE.
if the FBI investigated my library records, i could be found to be something of a dork. brit comedies, high intellectual mastubation, and over 700 hundred pages of computer geek speak.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

How do you account for this element in society?

You walk past these people everyday. Fans like myself must begin to consider themselves lucky (and I consider myself one) that they too did not end up with this odd obsession.

lookie here

ok what ha happen was... these folks were camping outside the famous chinese theatre in LA. There were told the movie was not going to be playing at this theatre but one down the road. They said that was a lie and conitued to camp out where they were. the culprits.... you guessed it star wars geeks